Year 4 assessment
Year 4 as at September 2024 (new term in school and 11+ examinations in 2026)
Year 5 assessment
Year 5 as at September 2024 (new term in school and 11+ examinations in 2025)
If you encounter any difficulties completing the form, please send an email to We will email the registration form, kindly fill it out and bring it on the assessment day.
14th September 2024
Registration starts at 2 pm
Option 1
£40 for both Maths and English. The fee should be paid on the day at the registration desk.
Payment Method: cash or cheque (payment to AtoZ Educational Services Ltd)
Option 2
Your child is not required to attend the assessment if you decide to purchase only our materials. Please call us for further information.
English Comprehension Packs
Pack 1
Pack 2
Pack 3
The Writing Programme
Set 1
Set 2
Maths Papers
Four operations
Two pencils (HB or B); a soft eraser; a pencil sharpener and a ruler in a clear plastic pencil case or bag. If desired, water in a clear plastic sports cap bottle (no fizzy drinks)
Your child must not bring:
- A mobile telephone or any other electronic device
- A calculator or calculator watch
- Any piece of stationery which displays multiplication tables or other such information
- A dictionary
You will receive an email on the 28th of September (Saturday) 2024 with the outcome of the assessment.
You child will be offered a place in the teaching class.
Your child’s placement in the AtoZ Paper Class will be determined by their performance in the initial assessment.
Upon successful admission to the Paper Class, your child will be evaluated on a weekly basis. If your child achieves an average score that meets or exceeds the required threshold for three or four consecutive weeks, they will be considered for the teaching class.
English – Children who are successful in the assessment will be formed into groups of 18 to 20
Maths – Children who are successful in the assessment will be formed into groups of 18 to 20
Please note: Sometimes you may find an extra child in the class, this may be the child is covering for another missed class. The same applies to your child too, if your child is unable to attend a lesson due to sickness, your child will be offered another lesson in the same week.
English – Mr. Nick Edwards/Ms. Fiona McManus /Mrs. Gauri Dasari will be conducting the English lessons under the instruction of Mr Bala Sivaraman
Maths – Mr. Attar Beehary/Mrs. Sapna Chaudhary will be conducting the Maths lessons under the instruction of Mr Bala Sivaraman
Option 1
Fee – £33 for English per week and £33 for Maths per week
All fees should be paid monthly in advance
Option 2
Only Paper Class
Fee – £35 for both English and Maths
£35 * 5 = £175 should be paid for 5 consecutive weeks
Twice a week (one day is for the teaching session and second is for the Paper Class)
Paper Class on Saturdays (usually, alternate weeks)
Please visit the YR 4 Wallington Paper Class page for dates and other info.
English, Sunday 9:30 am – 11 am
Maths, Sunday 11:15 am – 12:45 pm
Paper Class, Saturday 3pm – 5pm
Maths, Sunday 9:30 am – 11 am
English, Sunday 11:15 am – 12:45 pm
Paper Class, Saturday 3pm – 5pm
English, Sunday 1:30 pm – 3 pm
Maths, Sunday 3:15 pm -4:45 pm
Paper Class, Saturday 3pm – 5pm
Maths, Sunday 1:30 pm – 3 pm
English, Sunday 3:15 pm – 4:45 pm
Paper Class, Saturday 3pm – 5pm
Please visit the YR 4 Wallington Paper Class page for dates and other info.
Christmas break- 4 weeks (Dates will be notified in the teaching class)
Easter break – 1 week (Dates will be notified in the teaching class)
Summer break – 8 weeks (Dates will be notified in the teaching class)
Yes, you can. Please circle the preferred time for your child in the registration form. However, we can’t guarantee your preferred time slot.
Please bring the completed registration forms (see above) on the assessment day to avoid unnecessary delays.
Please do not email or post completed registration forms to any of our Centres.
Finally, send a text to 075 4630 9397 to our admission team to confirm your child’s attendance. Please mention your child’s full name, year and the time of the assessment as reference.
For example,
Child’s full name: Rebecca Thomas, Year 4 assessment
Rebecca Thomas, Year 4 will be attending the assessment on the 14th of September at 2 pm
Please call 0208 9355 604 or email
Please note: We are closed on Monday and Tuesday
If you encounter any difficulties completing the form, please send an email to We will email the registration form, kindly fill it out and bring it on the assessment day.
14th September 2024
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Registration starts at 5 pm
Option 1
£40 for both Maths and English. The fee should be paid on the day at the registration desk.
Payment Method: cash or cheque (payment to AtoZ Educational Services Ltd)
Option 2
Your child is not required to attend the assessment if you decide to purchase only our materials. Please call us for further information.
11+ Assessment Paper Packs
Pack 2
Comprehension Packs
Pack 1
Pack 2
The Writing Programme
Set 1
Set 2
Maths Paper Packs
Pack 1
Pack 2
Two pencils (HB or B); a soft eraser; a pencil sharpener and a ruler in a clear plastic pencil case or bag. If desired, water in a clear plastic sports cap bottle (no fizzy drinks)
Your child must not bring:
- A mobile telephone or any other electronic device
- A calculator or calculator watch
- Any piece of stationery which displays multiplication tables or other such information
- A dictionary
You will receive an email on the 1st of October (Tuesday) 2024 with the outcome of the assessment.
You child will be offered a place in the teaching class.
Your child’s placement in the AtoZ Paper Class will be determined by their performance in the initial assessment.
Upon successful admission to the Paper Class, your child will be evaluated on a weekly basis. If your child achieves an average score that meets or exceeds the required threshold for three or four consecutive weeks, they will be considered for the teaching class.
English – Children who are successful in the assessment will be formed into groups of 17 to 19.
Maths – Children who are successful in the assessment will be formed into groups of 17 to 19.
Please note: Sometimes you may find an extra child in the class, this may be the child is covering for another missed class. The same applies to your child too, if your child is unable to attend a lesson due to sickness, your child will be allocated another lesson in the same week.
Both English and Maths will be taught by Mr Bala Sivaraman except some of the sessions will be taught by Mr Attar Beehary under Mr Bala’s instruction.
Option 1
Fee – £35 for English per week and £35 for Maths per week
All fees should be paid monthly in advance
Option 2
Only Paper Class
Fee – £40 for both English and Maths
£40 * 5 = £200 should be paid for 5 consecutive weeks
Thrice a week.
One for English, one for Maths and Saturday Paper Class (mandatory)
Class days are Friday, Saturday and Sunday (two days offered)
Christmas break – 4 weeks (Dates will be notified in the teaching class)
The weekly Paper Classes will not continue throughout the Christmas break
Easter break – 1 week (Dates will be notified in the teaching class)
The weekly Paper Classes will continue throughout the Easter break
June Half term break – 1 week (Dates will be notified in the teaching class)
The weekly Paper Classes will continue throughout the Half term break
Summer break – 1 week (Dates will be notified in the teaching class)
The weekly Paper Classes will continue throughout the Summer break
Yes, you can. Please circle the preferred time for your child in the registration form. However, we can’t guarantee your preferred time slot.
Please bring the completed registration forms (see above) on the assessment day to avoid unnecessary delays.
Please do not email or post completed registration forms to any of our Centres.
Finally, send a text to 075 4630 9397 to our admission team to confirm your child’s attendance. Please mention your child’s full name, year and the time of the assessment as reference.
For example,
Child’s full name: Ryan Benjamin, Year -5 assessment
Ryan Benjamin, year 5 will be attending the assessment on the 14th of September at 5 pm
Please call 0208 9355 604 or email
Please note: We are closed on Monday and Tuesday